Friday, November 4, 2011


Three is on my mind today. And it's a perfect topic for my third blog post.

The struggle of three - the third-wheel, the odd-man out, the triangle dymanic (I made that up) - it's what happens when three people try to be best friends. One of the three always ends up feeling left out at some point. Three doesn't work well when going to amusement parks - one must ride alone. We all know that even numbers are just plain easier!

One of my 7 year old daughter's BFFs told her (and me) today that 3 just doesn't work out. This was her explanation for excluding my daughter from the ever-important tire swing play at recess. My daughter's other BFF is the third in this triangle.

Jealousy, insecurity, fear of loss - these are the heightened sensations of threesomes. Three causes pain and hurt!!

I remember this struggle all too well from my own 9th grade BFF threesome. I had two BFFs and the three of us were a well-balanced triangle for a short period of time; until the angles between my two BFFs grew larger than those with me. I don't remember how the shift occured, but suddenly, I was the odd-man out. I hadn't done anything to make this so, it was just the triangle dymanic playing out in our threesome. The angles are rarely equal. Even when the triangle appears on the surface to have equal 60 degree angles, those 180 degrees are often acquired by variable and differing angles. Sixty degree angles of precision are impossible to achieve in real life, when feelings, emotions and human interactions act to constantly influence the triangle.

The twist that I find so interesting is that in the world of design and writing - three is supreme! Odd numbers create visual interest and generate dynamic movement. Three is beautiful and energetic in its inherent lack of balance and equality. The Rule of Three tells more...

This is the story of LIFE. Nothing is ever equally distributed. We resist that discomfort. But the beauty of that discomfort if what makes life so fascinating!

My daughter is just beginning to learn about this triangle dynamic. But I have finally learned to relish the lack of balance in three and appreciate the interest it can bring to one's life.

So go and embrace three --- sometimes you ride with your friend, sometimes you ride alone, and someday the three of you will laugh about it over a glass of wine (all-the-while wondering why you weren't the first one of the two BFFs who was called about this get together!) What's up with that?

Kim :)

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